
Quality Icon 125px by 125px

100% to target CPA goal

Smart Tech Icon 125px by 125px

2,500+ installs during the campaign

Account Icon 125px by 125px

1,200+ registrations during the campaign


This mobile client wanted to capitalize on the busy opening weekend of the NFL season, increasing the number of installs and post-install engagements with a very ambitious target CPA goal.


The client’s Perform[cb] account manager advised the brand to invest in a push notification campaign with a major wireless carrier over the NFL’s opening weekend.


This campaign ran on a CPI with no flat fee required. Over the course of the four-day campaign, this client saw over 2,500 installs, more than 1,200 registrations, and was 100% to target CPA goal. Given the immense success of the campaign, two rebuys were secured throughout the remainder of the NFL season.