
Analysis Icon 125px by 125px

52x Growth in 4 months

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52% Increase in Installs

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12% Increase in Partner Diversity


Acorns came to Perform[cb] looking to increase install volume while maintaining a 20% registration rate for new installs.


The Perform[cb] Outcome Engine partnered with the Perform[cb] Agency to secure an initial $5,000 test budget with the goal of reaching or showing progress toward the 20% registration goal. The Outcome Engine prioritized iOS installs over Android given the demographic of iOS users aligned more closely with Acorn’s target audience. The team took a conservative approach at launch to ensure partners were achieving the 20% registration rate prior to scaling.


The Outcome Engine team scaled the campaign from 1,113 installs to 57,846 installs, a 52% increase over a four-month period. While massively increasing growth, the Perform[cb] Outcome Engine maintained the client’s KPIs. Over the course of the campaign, Acorns’ partner diversity also increased by 12% to include 47 new partners within 6 months.