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4,150% Growth Since Launch

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150% Growth QoQ

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108 Partners Tested Since Launch


This well-known digital coupon app came to Perform[cb] looking to expand their marketing efforts into the performance space. Recognizing Perform[cb] from the AppsFlyer Performance Index and our work with shopping brands, this marketer trusted Perform[cb] to educate their brand on best practices.


Perform[cb]’s strong background in scaling non-gaming apps allowed the client to quickly understand the performance marketing model. Within the first three weeks of Perform[cb] management, Perform[cb] was able to scale the coupon app in time for the client’s high seasonality on Black Friday. Perform[cb] tested a variety of partners and ran a diverse CPI campaign over the following months to achieve consistent quarter-over-quarter growth.


Perform[cb]’s immediate scaling of the client’s account resulted in quick growth for the brand, with budgets increasing rapidly. The Perform[cb] team tested 108 partners while providing this marketer with 4,150% growth since launch, and 150% growth quarter over quarter.