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30-40% Higher Earnings Per Click (EPC)? How Can I Track It?

Are you ready to dominate your competition and see 30-40% higher EPCs? This is achieved by blending the best CPA offers and layering it with a CPC bidding marketplace where advertisers are fighting for your traffic. Sounds great, right? But how do you track it?

Think of it as one Monster Frankenstein offer! Most experienced affiliates have run offers where they are paid at multiple points (1-Click Upsells, Zip Submits + Full Forms, etc.).

Are you using Thrive?

The primary offer should either be the CPC Clicks or the CPA conversions. The secondary or upsell offers will then be the one not used as the primary offer. The third offer will be the CPC conversions. For example:

Offer 1) CPA Conversions (will track conversions and revenue)
Offer 2) CPC Clicks (will report conversion for every click / will track revenue)
Offer 3) CPC Conversions (will track exact # of conversions but $0 revenue – using this metric in your optimization gives you transparency into where the advertisers paying on a CPC for your traffic are seeing success and are more likely to increase their bids)

Thrive provides full reporting functionality for this.

Are you using Voluum?
Check out the multiple conversions per clickID (Upsells) in Voluum:

The primary conversion should either be the CPC Clicks or the CPA conversions. The conversion step 2 will then be the one not used as the primary conversion. The conversion step 3 will be the CPC conversions. For example:

Conversion Step 1) CPA Conversions (will track conversions and revenue)
Conversion Step 2) CPC Clicks (will report conversion for every click / will track revenue)
Conversion Step 3) CPC Conversions (will track exact # of conversions but $0 revenue – using this metric in your optimization gives you transparency into where the advertisers paying on a CPC for your traffic are seeing success and are more likely to increase their bids)

Voluum provides full reporting functionality for this.

Ready to test Clickbooth‘s proprietary patent-pending Performance Exchange?
We guarantee we’ll smash the competition’s EPCs.
Reach out to your rep or sign up today!


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