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As the affiliate marketing industry continues to expand and grow, so are the number of blogs out there teaching people how to make money online, as well as how to succeed at affiliate marketing. However, how do you know which blogs are credible and which ones aren’t really worth your time? If you’re new to the industry, finding a blog that contains valuable content, from a legit blogger (who has actually made a lot of money online) ,might seem like an arduous process. Well, fear no more., an affiliate marketing news aggregator, has taken the leg work out of finding these great blogs and put them all on one neatly organized site. Check out the interview below with Affbuzz webmaster, Justin Barr, as he talks about his inspiration for Affbuzz, as well as where he sees the site going in the future.

Eric: How did you get your start in Affiliate Marketing?

Justin: A while ago I was talking to a good friend of mine and telling him about how excited I was that I had recently bought 3 domain names for $8 each and sold them for $300 each. He mentioned that his older brother was making money online too and suggested I talk to him. So I tracked Yebot down and he was kind enough to explain to me what Affiliate Marketing was all about and how much cooler it was than domaining, as well as how to go about getting into it. Shortly after that I went to a Meetup202 event and met the Tracking202 guys who have been an incredible help as well.

Eric: Where did you get the idea for

Justin: When friends would ask about how to get into Affiliate Marketing, I’d find myself constantly creating and emailing lists of blogs and forums to read. Finally I created one massive list and would just forward it out when requested. Then I’d occasionally have to show them how to subscribe to the RSS feeds and it was just a hassle. Before Affbuzz, I’d stay up-to-date on blogs by keeping a folder on my bookmarks toolbar that dropped down all the rss feeds, I had tried to use Google reader but never really got into it. I really liked PopURLs and thought that an affiliate-marketing themed version would be extremely useful. I wrote it down on my to-do list and a few weeks later finally got around to making one.

Eric: What requirements does a blogger need to meet in order to get listed on

Justin: When a user suggests a site I go through the posts of the suggested blog and see if there’s decent, relevant and unique content that will be useful to readers. I check for how often the blogger posts and to maintain quality, I’ll often ask other marketer friends for their opinion of sites before I add them. If everything is cool, I’ll put them in queue to be added the next time I update the site. Once a site has been added, I’ll keep an eye on how popular their blog is with Affbuzz readers and if it gets a good amount of clicks I’ll try to move it up higher on the page and move down the blogs that haven’t posted in a month or two. Lately I’ve been holding back from adding more sites to the page and pruning blogs that haven’t updated in months because it’s getting too large. I want to make some changes, like have different blog categories on different pages to ease load times.

Eric: Out of all the blogs listed on Affbuzz, which 3 would you recommend above all (or do you frequent the most)?

Justin: There really are so many awesome blogs listed on Affbuzz. I get all my Prosper202 mods from Nerdy Affiliate, my daily lessons in marketing theory and psychology come from Nick Abramovic and reading Dennis Yu prompted me to start the Affbuzz page on Facebook, but the ones I read most are probably Jonathan Volk, Cash Tactics, and Justin Dupre. Not only do they all post extremely valuable content, they post often. They’re also some of the most popular blogs on Affbuzz.

Eric: What does the future hold for

Justin: I’ve exhausted my feeble php skills and will soon be looking to find someone to help build out some functionality that I think will help solidify Affbuzz’s position in affiliates‘ bookmarks.

Eric: How can people contact

Justin: Anyone can leave ideas and feedback for the site on the Uservoice page: or hit me up at And everyone should join the Affbuzz page on Facebook.

Make sure you follow Affbuzz on Twitter to keep up on the latest affiliate marketing news!

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