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Bring Your Child To Work Day: Fostering the Future of Perform[cb]

Last week, Clickbooth participated in Bring Your Child To Work Day! Employees had an opportunity to expose their future ‘Clickboothers’ to a day in the life here at our Sarasota-based campus!


The day is designed to educate and excite children of all ages. It allows them to see firsthand their parent’s/mentor’s role in a new kind of team and serve in their workplace community. It shows children how they can make a difference through hard work, creativity and continuous learning.
At Clickbooth, we are never short on fun activities during the workday! Younger children flexed their imagination with games, coloring books and puzzles. The older adolescents spent time exploring the industry with full support of their parents and other mentors in the office.


With such a bright future ahead, we were honored to show our young generations the impact that comes from THINKING BIGGER. Did you participate in Bring Your Child To Work Day? Tell us about it in the comments below!

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