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Meet an Affiliate: Lorenzo Green (Mr. Green)

This week’s guest on Meet an Affiliate, is Lorenzo Green aka (Mr. Green). Lorenzo is a full time affiliate marketer that currently lives in New Zealend and shares his thoughts on the industry, various marketing strategies he’s implemented, and a variety of other useful information such as case studies, on his blog


So before we get started, give us a little background on who Mr. Green is…

I’m Lorenzo Green New Zealand, an insane football addict (real football, not the one with odd shaped ball and 500 players on each team), part-time traveler, full-time chick magnet, turtle father, antagonist, wise philosopher, collector of “the people’s champ” merchandise, all round great guy. I also dabble in a bit of affiliate marketing.

So when was the first time you started making money online?

Back in around 2002. I was KILLING it! Pulling in roughly $100/week.

How did you do it?

I made some disgusting designs for banner contests at I would love to show you one, but they conveniently all went missing.

What does a normal day look like for you?

I wake up a bit after 8am. Check stats. Stroll down to the office while sipping on an Up n Go (an awesome breakfast drink). Work on campaigns. Play football at lunch time. Get back to work. Leave work around 5.30. Play football. Have dinner. Relax for a bit. Then an hour or two and the end of the night to check up on things.

What’s your favorite part about being an Affiliate Marketer?

Freedom. If a campaign gets boring you can just ditch it and find something more interesting. Feel like going to an island off the coast of Italy? You can go there. All you need is your laptop and an internet connection and you can be wherever in the world you like.

What is the biggest challenge you continue to face in this industry?

Sleep deprivation. I can’t remember the last time I ever managed to sleep in. For all the freedom affiliate marketing as a job gives you, it doesn’t come with lunch breaks, clocking off time or scheduled days off. My mind is always buzzing.

How are you overcoming it?

I’m still working on it…

What’s a recent mistake you made in Affiliate Marketing and what did you learn from it?

A couple of weeks ago I lost $700 on a Facebook campaign. It kind of helps when your links are actually going some where…I have totally lost track of how much money I have lost from not properly checking my links. I am probably reach close to the $xx,xxx mark now. I’m am slowly getting better at checking links, but sometimes one slips by me!

The most important piece of advice you would give to a new affiliate marketer is:

You will have 99% more likelihood of making money today if you stop reading this interview and start spending money. You only make if you spend money. You will learn more from spending then you would in any text.

What would you say are the three most critical elements of a campaigns success?

Knowing your offer demographic, knowing your traffic source, and a healthy CTR.

Any specific strategies and/or niches that you’ve currently had success with that you wouldn’t mind sharing?

Niches that are doing well for me at the moment are email submits and mobile. PPV + Branded Submit Offers + Brand targeting, works a treat!

You talk a lot about PPV on your blog. What advice can you give those who are just getting started in that space?

Take a step back and take a look how your ads will be served. Its a whole new mind set. I always try test with a landing page, unless you are promoting an offer with the same URL as your bidding on. Start of with submit offers or short form lead gen, they are the easiest to convert.

What’s your favorite Affiliate Marketing Conference? Why?

That’s a tough one! My favorite conference for hanging out and having fun is Affiliate Summit. Why? Because its mostly affiliates and affiliate managers. There is not as many people trying to sell you their services etc. In terms of business, my favorite is Ad Tech. A tonne of different advertising networks turn up which gives you a chance to strike up relations with different traffic sources. I’ve definitely made most bang for my buck attending Ad Tech.

What blogs do you frequent the most?, not a blog but great site run by my distant cousin. I tend to keep an eye on my arch nemesis, possibly the second best AM blog. always presents fine pieces of literature. Also, he writes some great content.

What’s your blog about?

I simply write about what I learn from affiliate marketing. If something was not useful to me, I won’t write about it.

Some say you’re technically the most prolific table tennis player the industry has ever seen, how did you get so good?

I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t the best. Table tennis is about humiliation. You need to overcome games and games of humiliating losses before you become a champion. But i think in my case the chicken or the egg theory came into action. I guess I was that born champion (chicken).

Are you an affiliate with some valuable info you’d love to share with our readers? Send me an email with your contact information and you never know, you might just be our next guest on Meet an Affiliate!

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