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Is Apple’s iOS 14.5 App Tracking Transparency the End of the App-First Ad Campaign?

Is Apple’s App Tracking Transparency (ATT) the end of the app-first acquisition campaign? No, of course not. However, the mobile marketing industry continues to scramble in preparation for the arrival of Apple’s SKAdNetwork, which will become a requirement for iOS app user acquisition. Industry experts estimate that only between 20- 40% of the mobile ecosystem is fully integrated and ready for SKAdNetwork.

Perform[cb] is ready with integrations and solutions to allow app developers and marketers to continue to increase their installs and engagements. Check out our checklist to ensure your app is prepared.

Even once the mobile app industry fully adopts Apple’s new attribution model, the SKAdNetwork will impact mobile advertising as we know it with:

  • Randomized conversion delays
  • Reduced granularity for optimization
  • Limited or no mobile web tracking (dependent on individual MMPs)
  • New conversion value schema
  • No re-engagement attribution support

As mobile marketers prepare for this rollout, another strategy is gaining steam as apps have begun to proactively shift budgets to capture new consumers through their website. The inadequacies of Apple’s SKAN framework could return the industry to a website-first, rather than an app-first approach.

For mobile apps that have rich consumer experiences on both web and in-app, this shift in acquisition funnels can be immediate. For brands on the other end of the spectrum, whose products and services are available only within their app, the shift is slightly more challenging but achievable. Especially in cases where user registration, free trials, or any other kind of consumer capture can be driven to the website, the primary consideration becomes when and how to prompt the app download. Will this trend also drive more marketers to use website sign-ups to avoid the Apple tax?

Whatever your acquisition needs, web or in-app, Perform[cb] is here to help your business through this transition in the mobile ecosystem. With more than 20 years of experience in customer acquisition, Perform[cb]’s team of tenured experts are prepared to help our marketers and affiliate partners navigate this new terrain as quickly and efficiently as possible. 

As the #1 CPA Network Worldwide, Perform[cb] provides clients with solutions to meet their ROI goals. Contact us today to learn more about how Perform[cb] can help your business scale on a performance model.

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