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Three Technology Capabilities to Boost Outcome-Based Campaign Success

Marketers who invest in three or more digital channels have a 494% higher order rate than those using just one channel. Part of the beauty of outcome-based marketing is that advertisers can explore and take advantage of a wide range of media channels, expanding their avenues of success. This flexibility can provide opportunities for massive sales growth and scale when harnessed strategically, but with customers and users being driven from different sources, tracking their buying journeys can become complex and difficult to attribute. Learn just a few ways that Perform[cb]’s in-house technology platform can discover, track, and optimize around the top publishers, placements, and channels that perform best for your brand.

Tracking is About More Than Just Conversions

View Through Attribution (VTA), or Impression tracking, is a metric that shows marketers that an impression led to a conversion. Traditionally, marketers could struggle to understand what ad campaigns actually led to qualified customers due to holes in tracking capabilities. For example, just because someone views your ad, doesn’t necessarily mean they click through to your product or service immediately. Especially valuable across the mobile space, VTA allows marketers to still credit their ads for the awareness and eventual conversions they result in, even if a customer didn’t directly click the initial ad to convert. Perform[cb]’s proprietary customer acquisition technology is fully-equipped with VTA, allowing marketers to more easily determine which campaigns are producing the most ROI throughout the entirety of their buyer’s customer journey. 

Learning from the Entirety of the Customer Journey

The customer journey extends far past the first point of conversion. Outcome-based marketers need to keep tabs on engagement and purchase activity throughout the customer journey. 72% of consumers are likely to share a product or service with 6 or more people if they have a positive customer experience – before and after their initial conversion. Through Perform[cb]’s conversion tracking capabilities, marketers are notified once a goal outcome is achieved, such as making a purchase or installing an app. Taking it one step further, Perform[cb]’s multi-event tracking gives marketers an eagle eye on consumer behaviors and actions after their first conversion, such as purchasing additional products or post-install engagement. With conversion tracking and multi-event tracking, marketers have their hands on all aspects of campaign performance in real-time to make swift optimizations as needed. Interested in learning how our technology platform can support your brand’s outcome-based marketing goals? Get in touch today. 

Custom Domains – How Can They Help You?

Marketers working with Perform[cb] get the unique advantage of having access to both our Outcome Engine – equipped with a proprietary tracking platform to analyze performance and an expert team to create custom strategies – as well as an extensive in-house partner marketplace. Partners in our marketplace have the ability to safeguard traffic and set up their own custom domains, rather than shared domains used by countless affiliates running various offers that many other traditional CPA networks offer. A custom domain is a unique branded URL that partners will connect to their website’s IP address. By using a custom domain, partners have more freedom to customize the domain based on the brand being advertised, and the traffic being driven. Marketers have more control over the ad’s redirect process, and partners won’t be hindered by traffic sources due to blocking, so there is more opportunity for quality traffic volume. With this additional control, marketers can build credibility and reliability with enhanced brand safety, further paving the way for scale. 

Ready to Harness the Power of Perform[cb]’s Outcome Engine?

Giving our marketers the ability to accurately track and measure campaign performance is the bread and butter of what our proprietary platform does. These capabilities will only continue to grow as we develop new technologies, exclusively for marketers like you. Want access to these features and more to help you enhance your customer acquisition strategy? Log in to our platform or reach out to one of our experts to get started today. 

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